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Advisory Committee

The HEAL K12 Advisory Committee is composed of 3 Directors, 1 Program Manager, 12 National clinical pain research experts, and 10n individuals with lived pain experience.

The Advisory Committee serves several roles. This committee:

  1. Guides the overall program offerings, processes, and value/quality of the program.
  2. Comprises the permanent members of the applicant grant review study section
  3. Serves as a source of mentors for scholars and actively guide the matching of scholars to mentors and help to develop each scholars’ Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Heal K12 Directors

David Williams, Ph.D.

Professor of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine-Rheumatology, Psychiatry, and Psychology, University of Michigan

Daniel Clauw, M.D.

Professor of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine - Rheumatology, and Psychiatry, University of Michigan

Steven Harte, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine-Rheumatology, University of Michigan

HEAL K12 Advisory Committee (2023-2024)

Kelley Kidwell, Ph.D.

U. Michigan - Statistics, clinical trials

Amy Bohnert, Ph.D., MHS

U. Michigan - Opioids, OUD, Tapers

Judy Paice, Ph.D., RN

Northwestern - Oncology pain, policy

Laura Frey-Law, Ph.D., MPT

U. Iowa - Physical therapy, rehab

Susmita Kashkar-Zuck, Ph.D.

U. Cincinnati - Pediatric pain

Rob Edwards, Ph.D.

Harvard - Psychosocial mechanisms

Yvonne Lee, MD, MMSc

Northwestern - RA, Rheumatology

Sam McLean, MD, MPH

UNC-Chapel Hill - ER trauma

Olubukola Nafiu, MD, FRCA

Ohio State - Pediatrics

Vitaly Napadow, Ph.D., LicAs

Harvard - Neuroscience

Andrea Chadwick, MD

U. Kansas - Anesthesiology, LGBTQ pain

Beth Darnall, Ph.D.

Stanford - Psychosocial interventions

HEAL K12 Advisory Committee Members with Lived Pain Experience

John Deuble

Patient member of HEAL/BACPAC Patient Advisory Committee

Shanna Katz Kattari, Ph.D.

Patient member of HEAL/BACPAC Patient Advisory Committee

Lynne Matallana

Founder, National Fibromyalgia Association

Paige Regular

Patient Advisor to CPFRC Health Equity Core and Lupus Cohort

Christin Veasley

Founder, Chronic Pain Research Alliance

Tom Norris

Lt. Col., USAF (Retired), Pain Advocate

Laura VanAntwerp

Retired Schoolteacher, Pain Advocate

Linda Williams

Retiree from University of Michigan, Pain Advocate

Aryn Lee

Pre-Medical Student at Boston University, Chronic Pain Advocate

Helen "Skip" Skipper

ED - NYC Justice Peer Initiative Lived Experience Criminologist Subject Matter Expert Lived Expertise in Systems! Public Speaker