The Advisory Committee serves several roles. This committee:
- Guides the overall program offerings, processes, and value/quality of the program.
- Comprises the permanent members of the applicant grant review study section
- Serves as a source of mentors for scholars and actively guide the matching of scholars to mentors and help to develop each scholars’ Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Heal K12 Directors
Professor of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine-Rheumatology, Psychiatry, and Psychology, University of Michigan
Professor of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine - Rheumatology, and Psychiatry, University of Michigan
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine-Rheumatology, University of Michigan
HEAL K12 Advisory Committee (2023-2024)
U. Michigan - Statistics, clinical trials
U. Michigan - Opioids, OUD, Tapers
Northwestern - Oncology pain, policy
U. Iowa - Physical therapy, rehab
U. Cincinnati - Pediatric pain
Harvard - Psychosocial mechanisms
Northwestern - RA, Rheumatology
UNC-Chapel Hill - ER trauma
Ohio State - Pediatrics
Harvard - Neuroscience
U. Kansas - Anesthesiology, LGBTQ pain
Stanford - Psychosocial interventions
HEAL K12 Advisory Committee Members with Lived Pain Experience
Patient member of HEAL/BACPAC Patient Advisory Committee
Patient member of HEAL/BACPAC Patient Advisory Committee
Founder, National Fibromyalgia Association
Patient Advisor to CPFRC Health Equity Core and Lupus Cohort
Founder, Chronic Pain Research Alliance
Lt. Col., USAF (Retired), Pain Advocate
Retired Schoolteacher, Pain Advocate
Retiree from University of Michigan, Pain Advocate
Pre-Medical Student at Boston University, Chronic Pain Advocate
ED - NYC Justice Peer Initiative Lived Experience Criminologist Subject Matter Expert Lived Expertise in Systems! Public Speaker